Our Annual Members are our life blood. They renew faithfully from year to year, and help us when budgeting to prepare for those expected expenses. We count on our Annual Membership to sustain the organization and it is exciting to welcome new members and gain new friendships.
We welcome your input, your ideas, and your volunteerism. We love sharing our love and passion for our Scottish heritage, and embrace the other Celtic backgrounds among our members. Our Irish heritage is also very strong in Dunedin as well as Welsh and English, and is supported by our many members.
Those members below who have been designated *Balmoral* are members who have chosen to commit that bit extra to the organization, and we are very grateful! They are awarded complimentary tickets to an event of their choice over the year. Thank you all for your membership.
Adair, John *Balmoral Aitken, George & Maryann Anderson, Robert Arnold, Tamson & Marc Atchison, Randy & Anita Barmore, Dave & Wendy Beaty, Steve & Marie Bernhard, Bruce & Sandra (Neil) Black, Fiona Blais, Josh Brand, Eleanor Brandmaier, Mark & Mooney, Ann Buchanan, Christine Burke, Dawn *Balmoral Campbell, Norma Cardwell, Kevin & Colleen Carruthers, Mark Chancey, Frances Cimerman, Winifred Sue Cloonan, Michael Cote, Robert Craig, Karen & Euan Cloonan, Michael Cote, Robert Craig, Karen & Euan Cueni, Brenda DeLaura, Barb & Ed D’Aiuto, Sarah Eldridge, Terry & Indra Eslinger, Joanna (Singleton) Everett, Jamie Finland, Karen Fiorino, David & Kim Fleming, Peter Forrester, Sean & Joy Fowler, Michael Galpin, Arthur & Spouse *Balmoral Godfrey, Lisa Goley, Jason Gordon, Robert & Susan Gow, Jeff Greco, Evelyn Greco, Jerry & Lynn Gross, Jen Gross, Felicia Haggarty, Pete & Ann *Balmoral Haines, Louise & Spouse Hardin, Rickey & Sandra Harper, Martin & Trudy *Balmoral Harris, Patricia Henius, Jennifer & Mark Herman, Sharon & Spouse Hill, Catriona Holland, Brenda Jackson, Susan Jenkin, Marsha Johnson, Dean Johnson, Jerry Johnston, Dan & Joy Keith, Mary Kinkella, Sherri Lange, Michael & Suzanne Lessler, Alan & Ann Ferguson | Lewis, Steven & Gail *Balmoral MacDonald, John & Sarah *Balmoral MacMillan, Howard & Tracy Malliet, Carly Mallon, Kevin, Lindsey & Easton Marino/Bennett, Angelina/Kevin May, Diane & Tom McAulay, Charles & Kathy *Balmoral McCabe, Janis *Balmoral McHale, Joan McHale, Doreen McHale, Graeme & Laurie McIvor, Ken & Sue McLauchlan, Ramsay & Spouse McLean, Stuart & Stacey Mikesell, Anne & Ken Moat, Douglas & Spouse *Balmoral Montgomery, Susan Moore, Rob & Marcy O’Brien, Colin & Elspeth *Balmoral Ogborn, Beth & Spouse Parchman, Jessica *Balmoral Parks, Sallie Pels, Julie Graham *Balmoral Pendleton, Joanne & Murray Pennington, John & Norma *Balmoral Poth, Jim & Yvette Potter, Anneliese & Ed Pray, Adrianna Prosser, Fiona *Balmoral Prothero, Elizabeth & Raymond *Balmoral Reycroft, David Rice, Dan & Tina *Balmoral Sanders, Anne & Glenn *Balmoral Santiago, Aime Scheib, Susan Glor Schooley, Doug & Karen Shannon, Rose Shelor, David Shuler, Bryan & Spouse *Balmoral Slack, Samantha *Balmoral Smeltz, Dina Smith, Neil & Paula Smith, Cindy Stewart, John & Debra Sumen, Berin Swan, John & Andrea *Balmoral Trapp, Luke & Alena Trapp, Tom & Merel Vaughan, Doug & Robin Vaughn, Gretchen Villanueva, Amy Villanueva, Joseph Walker, Seth & Kirsten Walker, Rob & Claudia *Balmoral Ward, Michael & Spouse *Balmoral White, Ian & Anita White, Dan & Amy Wilkins, Stanley Young, Michael Zeller, Maureen |